HET Systems

Hall-effect thrusters (HETs) generate thrust by ejecting neutral plasma. HETs offer high specific impulse, boosting cost savings and data value for spacecraft. Ideal for small craft, they aid in attitude control, precision manoeuvres, and orbital longevity. Pulsar HET thrusters further enhance satellite orbital lifetimes through efficient drag compensation, diminishing launch needs, and adhere to industry standards via UK government facility testing.

Our Technology

500W 5kW 10kW
Assembly Mass, kg 2.7 13.77 20.61
Dimensions, mm 130 x 130 x 150 270 x 270 x 150 320 x 320 x 160
Voltage, V 300 - 400 300 - 600 400 - 600
Current, A 1.0 - 1.3 6.0 - 10.0 14.0 - 17.0
Power, W 300 - 500 5,000 - 7,500 5,600 - 10,200
Thrust, mN 12 - 33 280 - 350 605 - 690
Specific Impulse, sec 1,300 - 1,500 1,800 - 2,010 2,000 - 2,200
Total Impulse, MNs 0.87 - 2.39 9.0 - 12.0 22.0 - 29.0